- Lee Street Precast Wall Units
- Green Square Trunk Stormwater Alliance - DG Alliance JV
- Construction of Shared Pathway Orion Beach - Shoalhaven City Council
- Huskisson Wharf - SMC Marine
- North West Rail Link - ISJV
- Green Line Underground – Doha Metro (Qatar) - Porr Saudi Bin Ladin Group HBK JV
- North West Rail Link - Thiess John Holland Dragados JV
- Airport Link, Northern Busway (Windsor to Kedron) & Airport Roundabout Upgrade Projects
- Design and Construct ‘Vertical Access Shafts’ for the STEP (T-03 and T-02)
- Sewer Links Contract 1 & 2 (LS-01 & LS-02)
- Design and Construct Strategic Tunnel Enhancement Programme Deep Tunnel Sewer Contract T-03
- Design and Construct Strategic Tunnel Enhancement Programme Deep Tunnel Sewer Contract T-02
- Caltex - 45F - 10 Stack - External Concrete Encapsulation Works
- 5 Waste Heat Stack Chimney Project – BlueScope Steel Port Kembla
- Westlink M7 – Local Roads – ALJV
- Bridge over McGraths Hill Flats Lagoon, McGraths Hill – NACE Civil Engineering
- Windsor Rd Upgrading: Level Crossing Rd to Henry Rd, Vineyard and Curtis Rd to Bridge over McGraths Hill Flats Lagoon, Mcgraths Hill – NACE Civil Engineering
- Port Kembla Coal Terminal - Barclay Mowlem Construction Limited
- Windsor Rd Upgrading: Merriville Rd to Schofields Rd – NACE Civil Engineering
- Northgate Apartments - Ousley Pty Ltd